Freedom Fighters

Clare Hyde describes the stories of five freedom fighters as they leave the institution behind them.

Author: Clare Hyde

Clare Hyde, Director of the Foundation for Families, helps tell the inspiring stories of five freedom fighters - people who have escaped the world of institutions and are building a new life.

All of these people are now supported by Partners for Inclusion, an organisation that works on the West Coast of Scotland. Partners for Inclusion shows how it is possible to get beyond the labels that are given to people in institutions – challenging, vulnerable, self-harming. Instead they can focus on people's real qualities - being resourceful, determined or kind.

This an important resource for anyone involved in the battle to close institutions and put an end to the unnecessary segregation and exclusion of disabled people and others with complex needs.

If you would like a hard copy of this book please it can be purchased for £6 by contacting with your name, address, amount of copies required and invoicing or payment details.

The publisher is Partners for Inclusion.

Freedom Fighters © Clare Hyde 2012.

All Rights Reserved. No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews.


Paper | 01.08.13

intellectual disabilities, mental health, Paper

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