Kerry-Ann: It's My Life

iDirect support Kerry-Ann to live her own life in her community.

My name is Kerry-Ann. I am a 23-year-old living with a diagnosis of Tuberous Sclerosis and severe Epilepsy, which has a massive effect on my day-to-day life. But that is only a label.

I used to live in a children's residential unit and attend SEN school, but I found the routine and demands of this very challenging and stressful. In the past five years since becoming an adult, I have had the opportunity to move into my rental property (supported by iDirect, which helps me 24/7) and have been working on better coping strategies and independence skills.

This film gives an insight into my daily life. It highlights some of the struggles I face due to my diagnosis and how I still try to live a fulfilling life.

I hope my story will encourage others — whatever challenges you face, with support, it is still possible to make your own choices and live a meaningful life in your own way.

The film was produced by Opus Independents and iDirect.

Find out more about iDirect's work at:

And, Opus Independents at:

Film | 24.01.24

community, Inclusion, Personalised Support, social care, England, Film

Vinesh Kumar


Founder of iDirect Independent Living

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